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Astonishing X-men volume 3

J'ai pas aimer le style de Cassaday et ce que proposait whedon. J'ai pris malgré tout quatre autre numéro avant la sortie de Extreme X-men volume 2 pour lire la première apparition des personnages qui allait en être les héros. Un what-if moins inspirer qu'Age of X.


I haven't like Cassaday's art and what Wheadon proposed. I have nevertheless brought the for issue where the heros of Extreme X-men volume 2 appear before the first issue of the new title. A what-if less inspirated than Age of X.

L'intégrale Gifted contient les épisodes 1 à 6.


The Gifted TPB collect issues 1 to 6.

This site retrace all the comics I have read. Some in English and some in french, but I keep the Original English cover. Surelly I will forget some reading, but I have enough there for now. And I will put my reception to them, keep in mind this is my taste, and only mine. 

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