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Exiles volume 1

Une série que j'ai tout d'abord pas aimer en achetant le 1, puis adoré au 12 et j'ai rattraper en TPB.


A ongoing I first don't like when I brought the 1, then I love the 12 & I had to catch-up the gap with the TPBs.

L'intégrale Down to the Rabbit Hole contient les numéros 1-4


The TPB Down to the Rabbit Hole collect issue 1-4

L'intégrale A World Appart contient les numéros 6-11


The TPB A World Appart collect issue 6-11

Les trois couverture des numéros 55-57 forme ce poster.


The three cover of issues 55-57 complet this poster.

This site retrace all the comics I have read. Some in English and some in french, but I keep the Original English cover. Surelly I will forget some reading, but I have enough there for now. And I will put my reception to them, keep in mind this is my taste, and only mine. 

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