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Ultimate End.

Bendis fait n'importe quoi. Coté art difficile de savoir qui et qui entres les stark.

Pas bonne armure dans le même numéros. Pas bonne couleur pour hulk.

Mauvaise alliance (Entre X-men 616 et Ultimate Fury). Fallait arrêter à Ultimate Comics Cataclysm.


Bendis do a crappy job. The art isn't better. Hard to know witch stark is witch.

Not the good Armor in the same issues. Not the good color for hulk.

Wrong alliance (Some X-men 616 with Ulitmate Fury). Shame they didn't stop with Ultimate Comics Cataclysm.

This site retrace all the comics I have read. Some in English and some in french, but I keep the Original English cover. Surelly I will forget some reading, but I have enough there for now. And I will put my reception to them, keep in mind this is my taste, and only mine. 

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